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Letters of Thanks

Date:2020-02-26 Source: Click:
Dear all international students,

海外教育学院很高兴向大家宣布,我们收到了来自孟加拉Mohammad Mahamudul Hasan (Anik)同学捐赠给学院的3000个医用口罩。虽然这批口罩在二月初就已经从国外寄出,但是由于疫情影响国内物流受限,这批口罩昨天(2月22日)才抵达学校。

The Overseas Education School is pleased to announce the donation of 3,000 surgical mask by one of our student Mohammad Mahamudul Hasan (Anik) from Bangladesh.   Although the consignment left his country at the beginning of February, OES only received the surgical masks yesterday February 22, 2020 due to logistical delay.


It is against this background that the office distributed 10 surgical masks to each students in the dormitory on the afternoon of February 23, 2020.  

海外教育学院对于Mohammad Mahamudul Hasan同学的慷慨和爱心支持表示衷心的感谢!

The OES would like to appreciate Mohammad Mahamudul Hasan for his generosity and support during this time.


Overseas Education School

February 23, 2020



The Volunteers are Distributing the Face Masks