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Regulations on Non-degree Studies

Date:2019-08-02 Source: Click:

Regulations on Non-degree Studies


I Registration

1. Newly-admitted foreign students should register at Overseas Education Schol with valid passport and other documents during the designated period.

2. Students who fail to arrive on time should apply for permission from the university in advance to maintain enrollment. Late registrations (two weeks or longer, after the registration period) will be treated as voluntary withdrawal from the university.

3. Upon arrival at the university, newly-admitted students should complete the Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics Registration Form. All students should complete online applications through:

4. Newly-admitted students should go through all the procedures prescribed on the registration schedule, and attend orientation activities.

5. Current overseas students (have stayed for one semester or more), should register at OICE within the first week of the new semester.


II Class Division, Course Registration and Credit System

International Programs includes Degree Programs and Non-degree Programs. School of Humanities is responsible for Chinese language courses for Non-degree Programs; OICE is responsible for academic and cultural courses offered in English for Non-degree Programs; other relevant schools are responsible for Degree Programs.

1. New students will be divided into different classes according to the results of Chinese Language Proficiency Test; current students will be divided according to final examination results of the previous semester.

2. The first week of every semester is open for course withdrawals and changes. The class register system will be closed by the end of the first week and no more changes are allowed afterwards.

3. Chinese language courses are registered into different classes according the students’ Chinese levels, while each academic and cultural course delivered in English is taught in one class no matter what majors or which grade students are in.

4. All courses are measured in credits except field study. Credits are measured according to the classroom teaching hours, one credit equates 16 classroom teaching hours per semester. One semester lasts for 16 weeks; An average full-time study load for one semester is 20 credits. Different courses carry various credits; normally one academic course is 3 or 4 credits, while language courses vary from 2 to 6 credits.

5. Students must enroll in no less than 6 credits and no more than 25 credits per semester.

6. Steps for courses enrolling

  I. Access the website

  II. Click  国际办学     III.  Click Course self enrollment

7. English course descriptions can be downloaded at:


III Assessment

1. Students will be assessed each semester. Total score consists of routine assessment, mid-term assessment and final assessment. JUFE adopts two assessment forms according to different courses. One is closed-book examination which employs 100-mark system. The passing mark is 60%. The other is a course thesis with four levels of achievement: A, B, C, D, Fail; or Excellent, Good, Pass and Fail.

2. Routine assessment is based on student attendance, performance in class and assignments.

3. Scheduling of mid-term examination assessment is arranged by the teachers. Final assessments normally take place during the last week of a semester. For detailed arrangements, please refer to the class schedule provided at the beginning of the semester.

4. Total scores shall consist of either 20% for routine assessment, 30% of mid-term assessment, and 50% for final assessment; or 40% for routine assessment and 60% for final assessment.

5. Student who is absent (without permission) from a course for more than one third of total class hours (1/3 included) is not eligible to sit for the final examination of that particular course and will be graded as ZERO for that course. (What’s the difference between 5 and 6)

6. Student who is absent (including both approved and disapproved) from the course for more than one third of total class hours (1/3 included) is not eligible to sit for the final examination of that particular course and will be graded as ZERO for that course.

7. Students who missed examinations without approval for excused absences in advance will be graded as ZERO for the particular course. The score of an examination in which cheating is sentenced will be INVALID.


V Make-up and postponement examination

1. Students who fail in examinations can apply for make-up examinations within one week after the semester ending. Students should apply to the School of Humanities for Chinese language courses make-up examinations and apply to OICE for academic and culture courses make-up examinations

2. Those who cannot take an examination as scheduled due to extenuating circumstances shall submit related valid documents such as medical records or proof of hospitalization. Examination postponement will be arranged upon the inspection and approval by OICE.

3. Make-up examinations are only graded as Pass (60%) or Fail. Postponed examinations are graded according to the actual score of the examination.

4. Students who miss the examination without approvals for excused absence in advance will be graded as ZERO for the particular course and will be not allowed to retake the examination.




VI Disciplines

1. Study Disciplines

(1) Students are not allowed to seek employment without permission during studying at JUFE.

(2) Students should follow policies and regulations of JUFE.

(3) Smoking is forbidden in classrooms or dormitories; Eating is forbidden in the class.

(4) Students must complete teaching evaluations online for each semester.

(5) Students should participate in all study activities according to Programme Instructions according to university arrangements.

2. Class attendance

Students' attendance shall be taken and recorded for all lectures, tests, examinations and other forms of academic activities.

(1) All the absences without permission are considered as truancy.

(2) Absence with leaving request not permitted, or leaving exceeds permitted periods shall all be considered as truancy.

(3) Student whose truancy rate of a class reaches or exceeds one third of total class hours is not eligible to sit for the final examination of that particular course and will be graded as ZERO for that particular course.

(4) Student whose absence rate (including permitted leave and truancy) of a class reaches or exceeds one third of total class hours is not eligible to sit for the final examination of that particular course and will be graded as ZERO for that particular course.

(5) Student whose accumulated truancy reaches or exceeds 10 times in one semester, is not eligible to receive the Certificate of Achievement from the university.

3. Request for Leaves

(1) Students should apply for excused absences in advance in person. In case of emergencies (i.e. sudden illness), student can submit the leave forms later.

(2) Written requests for leave should be submitted to the lecturer for approval and signature. The request form should be submitted toOverseas Students Officeafter approval and signatures obtained.

(3) Leave Request Forms are available in the Overseas Students Office or Student Support Office(SSO).


VII Certificates and certifications

1. Students will be awarded a Certificate of Completion after finishing all courses and passing all examinations.

2. Students cannot be awarded a Certificate of Completion, and will receive a certification of enrollment only, if any of the following situations occurs:

(1) Accumulated truancy reaches or exceeds 10 times in one semester;

(2) Leave requests reaches or exceeds 10 times in one semester;

(3) There are violations of regulations or policies recorded;

(4) There are cheating in examinations recorded;

(5) There is absence from examinations without permission;

(6) Failing to pass all examinations;

(7) Failing to pay all required fees.


VIII Field trips

1. OES will organize field trips for students each semester. See further notice for detailed arrangements.

2. Related expenses for field trips shall be carried by participants.

3. In order to enhance Chinese speaking, Chinese Corner will be organized every two weeks. Students are required to attend Chinese Corner for no less than 5 times per semester. See further notice for detailed arrangements.


IX Textbook

1. Students are required to buy textbooks for Chinese language courses; it is optional to buy textbooks for academic courses.

2. Textbooks for Chinese language courses:The School of Humanities is responsible to buy Chinese language courses textbooks. After confirmation of enrollment in particular courses, students shall pay for textbooks to designated staff in School of Humanities. Books cannot be returned or refunded.

3. Textbooks for academic courses: Overseas Students Office provides 3 sample textbooks for each academic course for borrowing and photocopying. Maximum length of borrowing is 3 days. Overdue will be charged 10RMB/day. For any loss, damage or notes on the book, compensation is to be paid according to the price.

For online purchasing queries, please turn to the Office for help.

4. Book- Borrowing Request Forms are available from the Office.


X Dismissal

Students with one of the following situations shall withdraw or be dismissed from the university; the university will report to the Public Security Department and cancel the visa:

1. Accidental injuries or illnesses resulting in inability to continue study at the university (confirmed by designated hospitals);

2. Absence from prescribed teaching activities for five consecutive days without approval for leave;

3. Violations of the student conduct rules that can cause penalty of expulsion imposed according to university regulations and policies;

4. Penalty received from the government due to illegal conducts or crimes;

5. Voluntary withdrawals.


XI Leaving the university

1. The students must register at OES for leaving dates during the last two weeks of a semester. The students must pay off all required fees, return books borrowed from the library or OES/SSO.


Oversease Education School of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics is responsible for the interpretation of this regulation. Other matters not covered in this regulation shall be executed with reference to the regulations and policies of the university. This regulation shall come into force from the date of publishing.